Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Google Search Tricks

Google is the best search engine for this time, it's build with powerfull calculator and also query for search something that can help you to calculate or compare something, advanced search and there is example of service that google provide

1. Google Preferences
You can access the preferences page for searching by clicking the Preferences (Preferensi in Indonesian leanguage) link from any google search page or by type http://www.google.com/preferences in address bar. These options will shown the leanguage option, filtering option, number of display search, result display (new window), and subscribed.

2. Google Advanced Search
Same like google preferences, you can use google advanced search by clicking the Advanced Search (penelusuran lanjutan in Indonesian leanguage) link from any google search or by type http://www.google.com/advanced_search in address bar. These options will shown the advanced search that you can choose file type what you search or set how many result will display on one page.

3. Google Leanguage tools
Same like above you can use google Leanguage tools by clicking the Leanguage Tools (Alat Bahasa in Indonesian leanguage) link from any google search or by type http://www.google.com/language_tools in address bar. These options will shown the translate word and display related sites by translated results.

4. Convert currency, metrics, bytes, and more
a) 1 US dollars in Indonesian money (knowing how much 1 US dollars in Indonesian money now)
b) days in a year (knowing how much day in a years)
c) seconds in a year (knowing how much seconds in a years)
d) 17 in hexadecimal (knowing 17 decimals in hexadecimal)
e) 17 in binary (knowing 17 decimals in binary digit)
f) 1000 bytes in megabytes (knowing 1000 bytesin megabytes)

5. Calculate number
we can use google search as calculator, just write like this
4*4/2+2 (you will get result same with operations ((4x4)/2)+2 and the answer is 10)

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